At 4K-Karate Academy we teach and practice the philosophy of Kaizen (改善) “continuous incremental improvement”. This year at MPA we will train Twice a week; Mon & We’d 3:15-5:00. Our initial focus will be on building self confidence and self discipline. The karate-ka (students) will spend most of their time training on Kihon (basic fundamentals), Jiko bōei (self defense) and Hojo Undo (conditioning). They will be taught with a major emphasis of mastering techniques and critical thinking of when, why and why not to use said techniques. Students are expected to practice daily. Alternating daily between terminology study and technical execution 10-15 minutes a day. Advancement in rank can only be EARNED by hard work, good study habits and a good attitude. Students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average to participate in Karate. Students that excel in practice and the classroom will be offered opportunities to compete in local tournaments. Absolutely EVERYONE can learn karate. You don’t have to be super athletic or super fit, just possess a good work ethic and maintain a good attitude. Karate is like any other acquired skill, be it piano, chess, soccer or basketball, the more effort you put into it the better the results you get out of it.
BREAKING NEWS!!! This year will be forming our first all MPA karate demonstration and competition team. Stay tuned for more information!