Orange Belt Hachi Kyu Orange Belt
Requirements for Promotion:
a) Style of Karate
b) Sensei Name
c) Definition of Karate
d) 10 Dojo Rules
1. Count to Twenty in Japanese
2. Moving in and Quarter turns in Kiba & Zen Kutso Dachi
3. Blocking Forms 1-3
4. Dachi Waza: Six Stances {Heisoku, Fudo, Hachiji, Kiba, Shiko & Zen Kutso}
5. Uke Waza: Five Blocking Techniques
6. Geri Waza: Five Kicking Techniques
7. Ate Waza: Five Punching and Striking Techniques
Counting: Ichi-1, Ni-2, San-3, Shi-4, Go-5, Roku-6, Shichi-7, Hachi-8, Ku-9, Ju-10, Ju-Ich 11, Ju-Ni 12, Ju-San 13, Ju-Yon 14, Ju-Go 15, Ju-Roku 16, Ju-Shichi 17, Ju-Hachi 18, Ju-Ku 19, Ni-Ju 20
Uke Waza: Jodan Age Uke (High Rising Block), Jodan Uke (High Section Block), Chudan Uchi Uke (Inside Middle Block), Soto Ude Uke (Outside Middle Block), Gedan Barai Uke (Low Sweeping Block)
Geri Waza: Mae Geri (Front Kick), Ushiro Geri (Back Kick), Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick), Yoko Geri (Side Kick), Kagi Geri (Hook Kick)
Atemi Waza: Seiken Tsuki (Forward Snapping Punch), Tate Tsuki (Vertical Fist Punch), Shotei Uchi (Palm Heel Strike), Tettsui Uchi (Hammer Fist Strike), Riken Tsuki (Backfist Punch)
1. Your behavior must always be impeccable!
2. Always respect and honor your parents.
3. Your school work MUST be maintained at a high level. (mediocrity is NEVER accepted)
4. Students are required to arrive on time for class.
5. Always address the head instructor as Sensei.
6. Bow in when entering and exiting the dojo.
7. Always pay strict attention do not let others distract you
8. No street shoes allowed in work-out area.
9. Never leave the class for a break or any reason without the consent of the instructor.
10. No playing around allowed.
Requirements for Promotion:
a) Style of Karate
b) Sensei Name
c) Definition of Karate
d) 10 Dojo Rules
1. Count to Twenty in Japanese
2. Moving in and Quarter turns in Kiba & Zen Kutso Dachi
3. Blocking Forms 1-3
4. Dachi Waza: Six Stances {Heisoku, Fudo, Hachiji, Kiba, Shiko & Zen Kutso}
5. Uke Waza: Five Blocking Techniques
6. Geri Waza: Five Kicking Techniques
7. Ate Waza: Five Punching and Striking Techniques
Counting: Ichi-1, Ni-2, San-3, Shi-4, Go-5, Roku-6, Shichi-7, Hachi-8, Ku-9, Ju-10, Ju-Ich 11, Ju-Ni 12, Ju-San 13, Ju-Yon 14, Ju-Go 15, Ju-Roku 16, Ju-Shichi 17, Ju-Hachi 18, Ju-Ku 19, Ni-Ju 20
Uke Waza: Jodan Age Uke (High Rising Block), Jodan Uke (High Section Block), Chudan Uchi Uke (Inside Middle Block), Soto Ude Uke (Outside Middle Block), Gedan Barai Uke (Low Sweeping Block)
Geri Waza: Mae Geri (Front Kick), Ushiro Geri (Back Kick), Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick), Yoko Geri (Side Kick), Kagi Geri (Hook Kick)
Atemi Waza: Seiken Tsuki (Forward Snapping Punch), Tate Tsuki (Vertical Fist Punch), Shotei Uchi (Palm Heel Strike), Tettsui Uchi (Hammer Fist Strike), Riken Tsuki (Backfist Punch)
1. Your behavior must always be impeccable!
2. Always respect and honor your parents.
3. Your school work MUST be maintained at a high level. (mediocrity is NEVER accepted)
4. Students are required to arrive on time for class.
5. Always address the head instructor as Sensei.
6. Bow in when entering and exiting the dojo.
7. Always pay strict attention do not let others distract you
8. No street shoes allowed in work-out area.
9. Never leave the class for a break or any reason without the consent of the instructor.
10. No playing around allowed.